The Contemporary Animation Horizons (C:A:H) is a multiple round international workshop & animation camp launched in 2023, run by Countryside Animafest Cyprus and Primanima World Festival of First Animations. The entire programme is a talent development initiative followed by a series of creative events (screenings, masterclasses, concerts and exhibitions) in Cyprus and Hungary, which aim to highlight the expressive power of artistic and experimental animation cinema.
The one-week workshop, held at the two festivals' venues, was led by the Canadian filmmaker and film restoration expert Steven Woloshen and the team of Cypriot and Hungarian artists worked on their own films. Steven Woloshen is a practitioner of direct film and camera-less filmmaking. His animations, scratched and painted on filmstrips that have been chemically or manually damaged, even buried in the ground for long periods of time, are characterised by music, the rhythm of sounds and shapes. His creative method, and thus the philosophy of his workshop, is based on simplicity and a kind of lack of tools, and his films show that analogue film can be made with very limited technical equipment.
The Contemporary Animation Horizons (C:A:H) is a multiple round international workshop & animation camp launched in 2023, run by Countryside Animafest Cyprus and Primanima World Festival of First Animations. The entire programme is a talent development initiative followed by a series of creative events (screenings, masterclasses, concerts and exhibitions) in Cyprus and Hungary, which aim to highlight the expressive power of artistic and experimental animation cinema.
The one-week workshop, held at the two festivals' venues, was led by the Canadian filmmaker and film restoration expert Steven Woloshen and the team of Cypriot and Hungarian artists worked on their own films. Steven Woloshen is a practitioner of direct film and camera-less filmmaking. His animations, scratched and painted on filmstrips that have been chemically or manually damaged, even buried in the ground for long periods of time, are characterised by music, the rhythm of sounds and shapes. His creative method, and thus the philosophy of his workshop, is based on simplicity and a kind of lack of tools, and his films show that analogue film can be made with very limited technical equipment.
The program was supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary and the Republic of Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Culture.