The Contemporary Animation Horizons (C:A:H) is a multiple round international workshop & animation film camp in Cyprus and in Hungary throughout the year. This is the 2nd edition of this talent development initiative. The practical workshops are accompanied by a series of other open events not only for the selected participants but for a wider audience as well (screenings, masterclasses, forums and exhibitions) in Cyprus and Hungary which aim to highlight the potential of experimental animated cinema. Last year the focus was on collage animation, check out the C:A:H 1st edition's summary here!
5 Cypriot and 5 Hungarian selected applicants can participate in a multiple round one-of-a-kind practice oriented experimental workshop at Countryside Animafest Cyprus in Salamiou, Cyprus and at the festival venue of Primanima World Festival of First Animations in Budaörs, Hungary. In 2024, the 2nd edition of the programme will be open again to Hungarian and Cypriot applicants. The participants could come from various backgrounds in the field of visual arts. We believe that the various practices will create a fruitful occasion for creative joint collaborations. The programme's main aim is to motivate young artists to experiment and expand the boundaries of their practice in collective creation. Throughout the programme, the direction of experimental filmmaking is very important in the conceptualisation and realisation. We are building on this to empower young talent and show a new, alternative approach to the field instead of the traditions of the commercialized film industry.
DESCRIPTION_"Scratch your Mind in Analogue!"
In introducing 2024’s international animation workshop we claim that in the upcoming edition the programme is going to focus on an extraordinary filmmaking technique, the film scratching or direct animation. We are especially glad to host this year Steven Woloshen, a Canadian professional mentor, the workshop leader of C:A:H 2024’s edition in Hungary and in Cyprus as well. Steven's approach is well known and appreciated in the scene of experimental filmmaking. We are very much interested in holding his film scratching workshop and creating more professional events during his stay.
Film scratching is the process of drawing and scratching directly onto the physical 16mm or 35 mm film. Be manual and get lost without the camera by experiment in camera-less animation close to the materials where the images are hand-painted with paints, markers and ink onto transparent and black film. By transforming the material, a wide range of abstractions can be created, while the visuals already on film can be complemented and transformed by hand-drawing, painting, scratching, through the addition of destructions or alterations. The experimental technique itself fits the idea behind our workshop series, we aim to challenge the participants out of recent and mainstream patterns, forms and manners in filmmaking. The workshop series is designed for young creators who are curious about the mechanics of this particular approach to filmmaking, and who feel that they aspire to create their own piece of cinema that represents a special visual artistic language and a different way of thinking about filmmaking than is usual in traditional or digital contexts.

The workshop series is also focusing on reintroducing the participants through the analogue technique to be much more perceptive and also the knowledge of Steven is remarkable, making the opportunity extraordinary for its participants. That is why we found it especially fruitful to ask the Canadian expert to hold a unique workshop.
Experimental Animation
Think WITHOUT the Camera
Think WITHOUT the Screen
Collective Creation
14th-17th of MAY in HUNGARY
6th-9th of AUGUST CYPRUS
We are planning the workshop on the 14th-17th of May in Hungary and then on the 6th-9th of August in Cyprus too with Steven and with the selected participants.
During the workshop in Hungary the participants are going to have practical training in film scratching with Steven for 5 days, when they can get to know the technique and have the opportunity to gain a lot of experience during the mentoring. We are going to collaborate with the Hungarian National Film Institute and Film Archive also where we are going to organise lectures for the participants and a detailed guided tour in their screening rooms. Also we are keeping in mind to hold a little session with the help of the institute's staff in film restoration. The participants are welcomed to visit Primanima in October also with free accreditation and accomodation at the festival dormitory.
After the first round of the workshop everything will continue in August in Cyprus, Salamiou under the mentoring of Steven. There will be a chance for everyone who is participating in the programme to develop their projects in Cyprus too in the film camp for 4 more days. During this round the young artists will gain the occasion to present their works to each other and to a professional small audience made by jury members and other professionals to have visibility for their pieces and get more opinion about their works. They are also going to debut their work on the screen of Countryside Animafest Cyprus and in an installation space in one of the festival’s venues. The particpants are welcomed to stay during the entire festival in Cyprus with free accreditation and accomodation in the film camp.
In October, we will also organise a screening of the finished works at the 12th Primanima World Festival of First Animation in Budaörs.

Applicants to submit:
- 5-10 selection of your previous works (could come from any genre of visual arts)
- show us your motivation to participate in a brief text (maximum 1 page)
- your Curriculum Vitae
- fill in our questionnaire here: link
Rules – Who can apply?
- Someone who is into experimentation!
- Young and emerging visual artists, visual art students, young fine art and applied art teachers.
- Only apply if you can attend both rounds!
C:A:H covers:
- Your accommodation in Cyprus and Hungary.
- Your meals in Cyprus and Hungary (2 meals/day).
- Contribution in your travel costs: 200 EU by Countryside Animafest Cyprus.
(You will receive the contribution on the first day of PART II in August in Salamiou, Cyprus.)
Send us in English the aforementioned documents and materials!
- for Hungarian applicants:
- for Cypriot applicants:

After the workshop and the film camp we are going to announce a longer talent development programme from October. We are searching for innovative and unique projects in animation in Cyprus and in Hungary! We are on the lookout for creative and original projects for short films. Regarding our programme we are promoting 2D techniques and analogue approaches. Supporting the idea of experimentation in collage animation and film scratching.
Don’ t forget to follow our platforms to get to know more about it on time!
Our history and aims
Our festivals are international festivals and competitions for animations, which are held every year in Cyprus and in Budaörs. Both festivals are providing activities for everyone who has an interest in visual arts not only in our festival days, but all over the year from children to professional animators. The Primanima festival and Countryside Animafest Cyprus have been closely linked for many years now professionally. We are also going to collaborate again with the Hambis Printmaking Museum in Nicosia and organise various activities at the museum. In 2023 we jointly proposed the idea of a multi-round international workshop, giving young Cypriot and Hungarian talents the opportunity to work together in our studios in Nicosia and Budaörs. Last year's technique was collage animation.
Countryside Animafest Cyprus
Primanima World Festival of First Animations
Hambis Municipal Printmaking Museum
Hungarian National Film Institute
BABtér - Budaörs Animation Base and Creative Space
The program was supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.