Survival strategies in animation, presented in Budaörs

According to Global Trends published by the UN refugee agency, the number of refugees reached 25.9 million in 2018. This is neither the beginning nor the end of a never-ending „story”. Below is the foreword to the catalogue of the 7th Primanima International First Film Festival, an exhortation to honour the refugees

Odysseus was heading home with his fleet of 12 ships. The journey didn’t promise any surprises at the beginning, but the whirlwinds passing over the Mediterranean brought untamed waves. 

Odysseus and his crew were sailing under a rainbow bridge, and beyond it, they noticed some unexpected phenomena. Hundreds of animated creatures, squeezed together on flimsy inflatable boats, were trying to navigate towards North. The ships of the enemy’s coast guard could not reach this far, but there was no one willing to save the countless boats nearly torn by the waves – except Odysseus. The rescue vessel of the “Free Animation to Everyone” movement has already been banned from international waters, so it was only able to sail its own crew to shore, abandoning its mission.
However, Odysseus was as valiant and adventurous as always and also impressed by how determined the animated creatures were, fearlessly facing their destiny. But he was alone, and he could only help a few creatures from the sinking boats, pulling them to his own ships.
Another unexpected event made an enormous oil tree grow out of the sea. The precarious boats were immediately hurrying towards this tree-island.
Later this island was named Primanima by the shipwrecked creatures, and now this is much more than a single tree: it was bringing fruits for 6 years and from the olives, 6 new trees grew. Today you can find 7 wonderful trees, radiating strength and confidence to the island, where finally Odysseus has also found rest.

Tamás Patrovits, 2018

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