




*animation *filmdirector *animationforchildren *creative


I am an animation director, graphic designer and handmade artist based in Italy. Born in 1987 in Saint Petersburg. In 2021 I took part in Big Animation School course, which led to my first student film "ZOT". Later on I have co-directed two more short animation films "Papa is big, I am small" and "Tangerine Jam", which were selected for various international festivals. I love making animation for kids as well as unite in my works animation with graphics and craft materials. My favorite techniques are cut-out and stop-motion animation.

I am animation director, graphic designer and mixed media artist based in Italy. Born in 1987 in Saint Petersburg, I graduated in Pedagogical University in 2009. The same year I graduated from costume design school. In 2021 I was selected to take part in animation course at Big Animation School, which led to my first student film "ZOT". Later on I have co-directed two more short animation films "Papa is big, I am small" and "Tangerine Jam", which were selected for various international festivals, such as Zlin, Oberhausen and Giffoni. I love making animation for kids, because I believe that if you explain your idea to a child, you can explain it to everyone else. Children are the best audience, because they trust you, and take everything seriously, learning something each time they watch a film. As a handmade artist in my works I like to unite animation with graphics and craft materials. My favorite techniques are cut-out and stop-motion animation.

A projektem

A Programról

My project


At the Primanima Jumpstart programme I am developing two projects. "Freckles" is a short animation film for children from 3+. The story is about a little girl Ivy, who has a first encounter with her external difference – her freckles. She starts doubting herself if it is normal to have them, but eventually her parents help her to accept them as a part of who she is. Growing up, children begin to wonder if they are "perfect" enough, if they "fit in", if they can be considered like others or if they have some flaws. I wasn’t exception, as I have freckles since my childhood. Some time ago I’ve also found out a short children’s poem of a famous Soviet poetress Agnia Barto, which depicted the girl with freckles, who thought they make her face ugly. Uniting this little poem and my own memories about this particularity, I came up to an idea of this short film. Changing the point of view on "imperfections" is absolutely necessary and still has a long way to go. To develop and convey to the young spectators the message that everyone is unique and must not fall within the standards, it is very important to have a playful approach. This is why animation is a perfect medium. In this film, I will play with some serious aspects, keeping as the main idea the freedom and courage not to be like everyone else, but to be yourself.

The characters and decorations will be cut from different paper to create a handmade feeling for the film. The background object will be done in collage tecnique. The film’s environment and characters will be simple, child- like and flat, with easy recognizable objects, so it will remind of children’s colourful world. All the characters and scenes will be created in Moho, and then transferred to After Effects for colour correction, effects and other editing. There will be also a part of frame by frame animation (indicated in the script draft), to distinguish visually the difference between character’s world and their drawings. Usage of the paper forsees another important aspect of this project - sustainibility. The materials will be handmade also out of recycled paper. This means that almost none of them will be bought on purpose. I hope this kind of recycling will add visibility to some important environmental topics and maybe will inspire more filmmakers to choose sustainable production in future.

"Eyesolation" is a short animation for older children/adults from 7+. This is a story about mother and son, who both have opposite vision problems: the mother has Nearsightedness (myopia) so she cannot see far, and her son has Farsightedness (Presbyopia) for which he cannot see close. This is an allegory of parental over-protecting and child’s desire to explore the world by his own.



ZOT (2021)
student short animation film
Papa is big, I am small (2021)
animation short film for children
Tangerine Jam (2022)
animation short film for children
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🇬🇧Jumpstart 2022

Experimental animation workshop with Thomas Renoldner, Marzieh Emadi and Sina Saadat at the 10th Primanima

🇬🇧Jumpstart 2022

Experimental animation workshop with Thomas Renoldner, Marzieh Emadi and Sina Saadat at the 10th Primanima